25 Best Desi Ghee Brands in India

Cow ghee is a type of butter that is common in Indian food and Ayurvedic medicine. To make it, you simmer butter until the milk solids separate, then strain them out. People think cow ghee is good for you and use it for cooking and in religious ceremonies.

Indian cuisine has traditionally included cow ghee for centuries. It can be used in all kinds of dishes, from yummy curries to delicious desserts. Not only is it an important part of cooking, but it also has lots of health benefits. With so many different brands of cow ghee to choose from, it can be hard to decide which one is the best.

In this article, we will look at the top 40 cow ghee brands in India. We will talk about what makes each brand special, what it looks like, how nutritious it is, and how it can help your health. After reading this article, you will be able to make an informed decision when buying cow ghee.

Best Desi Ghee

The list of Best Desi Ghee Brands in India starts from here.

25. Country Delight Desi Danedar Ghee

Country Delight Desi Danedar Ghee is in the list of top 25 desi ghee brands in India

Country Delight Desi Danedar Ghee is made from pure cow milk fat, which is churned into butter to make it delicious and healthy. To give it a special flavor, they use a special granulation process that makes the ghee adapt to a certain structure. This makes it easy for kids like you to enjoy the taste and health benefits.

24. Divya Kamdhenu Gir Cow Organic A2 Ghee

Divya Kamdhenu Gir Cow Organic A2 Ghee is highly regarded as one of the finest ghee products in India.

Divya Kamdhenu Gir Cow Organic A2 Ghee is made using a special method called Vedic Bilona. It is made without using any machines. It is stored in a glass jar to make sure that it stays fresh and delicious. It is cooked slowly on a wooden fire using cow dung cakes.

23. Anveshan A2 Desi Cow Ghee

Anveshan A2 Desi Cow Ghee is recognized as a high-quality ghee product in India.

This ghee is made from the fresh A2 milk of cows that eat only grass, which is found in Karnataka. It is easy for kids to digest and looks just like milk from mom. It is created in small batches and cooked slowly using traditional methods. This ghee has all the goodness of the Indian kind.

22. Vanalaya A2 Desi Cow Ghee

Vanalaya A2 Desi Cow Ghee stands out as one of the top ghee products in India.

The Vanalaya A2 Desi Cow Ghee starts off as curd, which is churned by hand for a few hours. This separates the butter, which is boiled to turn it into ghee. The cows that give milk to make the ghee eat special grass that is good for their health. It’s safe to eat and easy on your tummy.

21. Shahji A2 Cow Desi Ghee

Shahji A2 Cow Desi Ghee is highly regarded as an excellent ghee choice in India.

This A2 desi cow ghee is yummy and perfect for kids. It’s made with no added chemicals, preservatives, or anything else that could be bad for you. It’s made in small batches, so it’s fresh and super tasty. Plus, it’s totally cruelty-free, so you can enjoy it knowing it’s made with respect for animals. With its wonderful flavour, aroma, consistency, and texture.

20. Jivika Naturals Bilona A2 Desi Cow Ghee

Jivika Naturals Bilona A2 Desi Cow Ghee is widely acknowledged as one of India's finest ghee products.

Jivika Naturals Bilona A2 Desi Cow Ghee is made from special Indian cows that graze in the Gwala communities of Himachal Pradesh. To make this ghee, the Bilona method is used which churns curd to make makkhan instead of malai. The special types of cows used are Gir, Sahiwal, Badri, Haryanvi, Red Belahi, and Tharparkar.

19. Matratva Desi Gir Cow A2 Ghee

Matratva Desi Gir Cow A2 Ghee is highly acclaimed as an exceptional ghee option in India.

Made in smaller amounts, Matratva Desi Gir Cow A2 Ghee is prepared using an old-fashioned Vedic Bilona technique to make butter from yogurt and then heat it on a traditional stove. The ghee is made from Gir cows that are raised on a farm and only eat grass, and are not given any hormones.

18. Gavyamart A2 Desi Cow Ghee

Gavyamart A2 Desi Cow Ghee is highly regarded as an excellent ghee choice in India.

Gavyamart A2 Desi Cow Ghee is made from cows that are born in India, so it’s totally natural. It doesn’t have any chemicals or refined oil added to it. It’s also used in Ayurvedic treatments like Netra Basti. It’s made from fresh, pure milk and made with traditional standards.

17. Dabur Ghee Brand

The Dabur Ghee brand is widely popular as a preferred choice of ghee in India.

Dabur ghee is a well-known brand in India that sells lots of cool products. From yummy honey to creamy ghee, their products are always a hit. People love their products because they have great features.

16. Barosi A2 Desi Cow Ghee

Barosi A2 Desi Cow Ghee is recognized as among the finest ghee options available in India.

The Barosi A2 Desi Cow Ghee is made using a special slow cooking process that removes all bad stuff like impurities, carbohydrates, casein, and lactose. This leaves only a pure golden layer of natural ghee. It’s made from the milk of Sahiwal and Rathi desi cows using a traditional Bilona method and doesn’t have any preservatives.

15. Mother Dairy Pure Healthy Ghee

Mother Dairy Pure Healthy Ghee is a widely popular ghee brand in India.

Mother Dairy Pure Healthy Ghee is packed with vitamins and doesn’t have any of the bad stuff. It’s made with special ingredients that make it easier for your body to use. Plus, it has a natural grainy texture that’s really cool.

14. Kapiva A2 Desi Ghee

Kapiva A2 Desi Ghee is highly regarded as an excellent ghee option in India.

This desi ghee brand makes ghee from curd instead of the cream of milk. It is made using the traditional Ayurvedic Bilona method, which involves churning it by hand. It is natural and made from A2 milk with no added preservatives or fake ingredients so it is healthy and safe to eat.

13. Talegaon Farms A2 Cow Ghee

Talegaon Farms A2 Cow Ghee is widely recognized as one of the premier ghee products in India.

The Talegaon Farms A2 Cow Ghee is made using an ancient method called Bilona. It is super healthy for you and can help make you stronger and healthier. To keep the milk super delicious and nutritious, the cows are allowed to roam around and graze freely.

12. Sri Sri Tattva Desi Ghee

Sri Sri Tattva Desi Ghee is highly acclaimed as an excellent ghee choice in India.

This ghee is perfect for your growing body. Prepared with the Bilona method, Sri Sri Tattva Desi Ghee is made with pure cow’s milk. It comes from special desi cows, and thanks to German technology, there’s little human involvement. This ghee is great for keeping your body strong and healthy as you get older.

11. CowGold A2 Cow Desi Ghee

CowGold A2 Cow Desi Ghee is a premium ghee product known for its superior quality and purity.

CowGold A2 Cow Desi Ghee is made from the A2 milk of Rathi and Sahiwal cows, which is special because it’s very strong and can handle hot temperatures. This ghee is made using an old-fashioned method called Bilona, which ensures that the milk is free from pests and germs.

10. Himalayan A2 Cow Desi Ghee

Himalayan A2 Cow Desi Ghee is a renowned ghee product that originates from the Himalayan region, known for its exceptional quality and authenticity

Himalayan A2 Gir Cow Ghee is natural and made from fresh, creamy milk from cows that graze on grass and have lots of space to move around. It tastes delicious and smells amazing.

9. Vedic A2 Cow Ghee

Vedic A2 Cow Ghee is a well-regarded ghee product that is highly valued for its traditional preparation methods and pure A2 cow milk source.

This pure grass-fed cow’s ghee is made by cooking butter churned from curd, and pouring it and keeping the liquid while discarding the solids. It’s natural and has no added preservatives, and it’s good for people who can’t have dairy.

8. Aashirvaad Svasti Pure Cow Ghee

Aashirvaad Svasti Pure Cow Ghee is widely acclaimed as an excellent ghee choice in India, known for its exceptional quality and taste.

Launched by ITC, Aashirvaad Svasti Pure Cow Ghee is made with a special slow cooking process that gives it a golden granular texture and a yummy smell. It takes three and a half hours to make the ghee, and it gets yummier as it cooks longer.

7. Amul Cow Ghee

Amul Cow Ghee is a widely popular and trusted ghee brand in India, recognized for its consistent quality and widespread availability.

Amul makes a delicious and aromatic cow ghee that is made from fresh cream and has a crunchy texture. It comes in handy packages, like tetra packs, pouches, and bottles, so you can get the perfect amount for your family.

6. Patanjali Cow’s Ghee

Patanjali Cow's Ghee is a highly recognized ghee product offered by Patanjali Ayurved Limited.

Established in 2006, Patanjali Ayurved is an Indian company that makes organic ghee from pure cow milk. This ghee contains special nutrients that can help protect your body from damage and also help to make sure you don’t get constipated. Patanjali Cow’s Ghee is like butter, but it also has a nice smell.

5. Nandini Pure Cow Ghee

Nandini Pure Cow Ghee is a well-known and trusted ghee brand in India, cherished for its purity and rich flavor.

Nandini Pure Cow Ghee is made using traditional methods that make sure it’s super-high quality. It’s officially certified by AGMARK and it’s totally natural, with no extra fake flavours added.

4. Nestle Everyday Shahi Ghee

Nestle Everyday Shahi Ghee is a popular ghee product offered by Nestle, renowned for its high-quality standards and a rich taste.

This Swiss multinational processing company packs shahi ghee made with the milk of cows who have been taken care of properly. It’s untouched by human hands and packed in a way that keeps its delicious flavor, smell, and texture.

3. GirOrganic A2 Pure Ghee

GirOrganic A2 Pure Ghee is a premium ghee product that is highly regarded for its organic and pure composition, derived from A2 cow milk.

GirOrganic has been around since 1990, and they make sure all their products are natural and pure. Their A2 Pure ghee is made using A2 milk from cows that are grass-fed in the Gir area, and this is done using an ancient Indian technique called the Vedic Bilona method. This tasty ghee is easier to digest, doesn’t contain any gluten, and is safe for people who can’t have lactose.

2. Two Brothers Organic Farm A2 Desi Cow Ghee

Two Brothers Organic Farm A2 Desi Cow Ghee is highly regarded as an exceptional ghee option in India, valued for its organic and authentic qualities.

Two Brothers Organic Farm’s A2 Gir Cow Ghee is a golden elixir, made with love and care. Our cows graze freely on organic farms and the first share of their milk goes to their calves.

We make our ghee in small batches, using the ancient Bilona practice of churning ‘Makkhan’ from curd. We heat the ‘Makkhan’ slowly with cow dung cake and firewood and then clarify it to make our delicious ghee.

1. Gowardhan Desi Ghee

Gowardhan Desi Ghee is one of the best Desi Ghee Brands in India

If you’re a fan of ghee, you’ve probably heard of Gowardhan Best Ghee. It’s one of the best brands of cow ghee in India, and is known for being one of the top desi ghee brands. Gowardhan has been providing their customers with the highest quality ghee since 1992.

Desi ghee is a popular and healthy cooking oil used in Indian cooking. It is full of nutrients that are great for keeping you and your family healthy.

There are lots of different desi ghee brands in India, so it’s important to do your research to find the best one for you. From Cow Delight Desi Danedar Ghee to Gowardhan Desi Ghee, these brands offer delicious flavor and great health benefits.

If you’re looking for a tasty and healthy cooking oil, these are the top 25 desi ghee brands in India that you should try.

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