Top 10 Festivals in the India

Festivals ignite cultural celebrations worldwide. They blend tradition and joy, uniting communities in vibrant spectacles.

Through music, dance, and rituals, festivals honor heritage and foster connection. These lively gatherings offer unforgettable experiences, showcasing humanity’s diversity and shared moments of happiness.

India, a land renowned for its rich cultural diversity, boasts a tapestry of festivals that illuminate its traditions and values. These celebrations, deeply rooted in history, religion, and community, offer a captivating glimpse into the nation’s soul.

From the exuberance of Diwali’s sparkling lights to the spirituality of Kumbh Mela and the colorful revelry of Holi, India’s festivals are a mesmerizing blend of ancient rituals and contemporary fervor.

This journey through the top festivals in India unveils the country’s kaleidoscope of colors, customs, and camaraderie that continue to inspire and enthrall both locals and global enthusiasts.

Top Festivals

The list of Top Festivals Brands in India starts from here.

10. Gurpurab

A standout festival in India that ranks among the finest.

Gurpurab is a special festival for the Sikh people in India. They celebrate it to remember and honor the first Guru of Sikhism, Guru Nanak Dev.

During this time, all the Sikh Temples called Gurudwaras look very pretty with decorations. Everyone from the Sikh community goes to the Gurudwara to say their prayers. After that, they all share a meal together called “Langer.”

The Golden Temple, which is also known as Gurudwara Sri Harmandir Sahib, is a really important place in India. It’s one of the oldest Gurudwaras.

On this special day, a lot of Sikh followers come together there to celebrate. It’s like a big party with lots of happiness and togetherness.

9. Mahashivratri

Among India's most exceptional festivals, this one shines brightly.

Mahashivratri is a really special festival in India. People celebrate it to show respect to a Hindu god named Lord Shiva.

It’s a bit like his birthday. On this day, people don’t eat much and just have a few things to stay healthy. When nighttime comes, they have a big party.

Long ago, there was a story about Lord Shiva getting married to a goddess named Parvathi. So, Mahashivratri is like a special day to remember their happy union.

People make the temples of Lord Shiva look really pretty and they pray to something called a Shiv Lingam, which is a special symbol for Lord Shiva. It’s a joyful and colorful celebration.

8. Ganesh Chaturthi

This festival is celebrated as one of the best in the country.

Ganesh Chaturthi is a super popular festival in India. It’s like a big party that goes on for 10 days to celebrate the birthday of Lord Ganesha, who is a really cool god.

People all over India celebrate it, but the folks in Maharashtra (a state in India) throw the biggest party ever.

Imagine, they have a special statue of Lord Ganesha, and for 10 days, they do different fun things to show their love and respect to him.

Then, on the 10th day, they carry the statue through the city with lots and lots of people singing and dancing, and they put it into the sea.

Oh, and guess what? Lord Ganesha loves a yummy sweet called Modak. So during this festival, families make lots of Modaks and share them with their friends and family. It’s like a big sweet treat party.

7. Onam

Regarded as a premier cultural event, this festival is a true gem.

Onam is a really cool festival that happens in a place called Kerala, which is in the southern part of India.

It’s like a big party where people celebrate the homecoming of an ancient king named Mahabali. Imagine it like a special welcome back party just for him.

This festival goes on for 10 days and takes place when farmers have collected their crops. There’s so much fun stuff happening during these days, like parades on the streets, dances where people dress up like tigers and other creatures, and even colorful fireworks that light up the sky.

People also make their houses look super pretty with colorful designs made from flowers on the ground.

Oh, and the food. People cook a really yummy feast that has nine different courses, and they share it with their friends and family. It’s like a super tasty mealtime party.

Here’s a story that goes along with this festival: A long time ago, there was a king named Mahabali. He loved the god Vishnu a lot.

He was so powerful that he ruled over everything. But then, something interesting happened. Vishnu decided to test how much Mahabali loved him. Vishnu turned into a little person and asked Mahabali for just three steps of land.

But guess what? After Mahabali agreed, Vishnu turned into a giant and with his steps, he covered the whole world. Mahabali was so devoted and kind that he even offered his head for Vishnu’s last step. This made Vishnu very happy, and he granted a special gift to Mahabali.

Vishnu said that Mahabali could come back to his land once a year. And that’s why people celebrate Onam – they believe it’s when their great king comes back to visit them.

So, during Onam, everyone has a lot of fun, eats delicious food, and enjoys colorful decorations to welcome their awesome king, Mahabali.

6. Krishna Janmashtami

Within the realm of Indian festivals, this one holds a prominent place.

Krishna Janmashtami is a super special day when we celebrate the birthday of a really loved Hindu god named Lord Krishna. Imagine it’s like his big birthday party all across India. People get really excited and happy.

You know, Lord Krishna lived in a place called Mathura – Vrindavan, which is like a super cool part of India’s history and culture.

His birthday is celebrated in a place called Shri Banke Bihari Temple in Vrindavan. People there decorate the temple and do all sorts of fun things.

People believe that Lord Krishna was born exactly at midnight, so they fast (which means they don’t eat) all day long until it’s midnight.

And when it’s finally midnight, that’s when the super exciting celebration starts. They give Lord Krishna a special bath with milk and honey and dress him up in new clothes.

Then they do a big ceremony called Maha Abhishek, which is like a special prayer.

But the party doesn’t stop there. There are also songs and dances that go on all night long. It’s like a magical night full of happiness and fun.

Here’s another cool thing: as a special gift to Lord Krishna, people prepare 56 different yummy dishes. They call it “Chappan Bhog,” which means 56 offerings. These dishes can be sweet or savory, like tasty snacks and treats. So, it’s like making a big feast for Lord Krishna to show how much they love and respect him.

Overall, Krishna Janmashtami is like a big, joyful birthday party for Lord Krishna, and everyone joins in the fun with prayers, dances, and lots of delicious food.

5. Holi

An epitome of vibrant celebrations, this festival is a true delight.

Holi is a super fun and popular festival in India. It’s like a big party where families and friends get together. Everyone wears white clothes and they sing, dance, and play with colors.

People throw dry and wet colors on each other and it’s a big colorful mess, but in a happy way.

During Holi, people also eat delicious special treats. One of them is called Gujiya, a sweet snack that everyone loves. There’s also a special drink called Thandai, and yummy foods like Pakora and Dahi Bhalla.

Holi has a cool story behind it too. A long time ago, there was a not-so-nice king named Hiranyakshyap.

He wanted everyone to worship him like a god, but his son Prahlad was a big fan of another god named Lord Vishnu. This made the king really mad.

The king’s sister, Holika, had a special power to survive in fire. So, the king tried to trick Prahlad by making him sit on Holika’s lap in a big fire.

But guess what? The plan didn’t work because Lord Vishnu protected Prahlad, and Holika got burnt instead. Later, Lord Vishnu turned into a half-lion, half-human form to defeat the king and make things right.

Before Holi, there’s a ceremony called “Holika Dahan.” People light a big bonfire to symbolize getting rid of bad things and keeping the good things. It’s like saying bye-bye to bad stuff.

So, Holi is like a huge, colorful party where people have a blast, eat tasty food, and remember a cool story about good triumphing over bad.

4. Dussehra

This festival takes its place among the elite, offering a unique experience.

Dussehra is a really famous festival in India that many people celebrate, especially those who follow the Hindu religion.

It’s a time when we remember a story about a good prince named Rama who defeated a bad demon king named Ravana. So, it’s like a big party to celebrate good winning over bad.

People all over India celebrate Dussehra, and each place has its own special way of doing it. In some parts of the country, they put on a show called Ram Leela for nine days.

It’s like a play that tells the story of Rama and Ravana, and lots of people come to watch it.

The most exciting part of Dussehra is on the last day. People gather in big open areas, and they make huge statues of the bad demon Ravana, his brother Kumbhakaran, and his son Meghnad.

Then they set these statues on fire and have fireworks. It’s a time for enjoying yummy street food and having fun with family.

In some places, like in the south of India, they have big parades with decorated elephants and guards on horses. They carry statues of a goddess called Durga all around the city. It’s like a colorful and lively parade.

One special place for Dussehra is a city called Kullu in a state called Himachal Pradesh. They celebrate in a unique way there.

They have a seven-day-long carnival where they carry a big statue of a god named Raghunath on a beautifully decorated chariot. People from all over the state come to join in this week-long celebration.

3. Navratri and Durga Puja

Counted among the ultimate cultural gatherings, this festival is remarkable.

Durga Puja is a very important festival in India, especially in the northern and eastern parts of the country. It’s like a big party that lasts for nine days, and it’s called Navratri in the northern part. But in West Bengal, it’s known as Durga Puja.

During these nine days, people celebrate a special goddess named Durga. She’s like a superhero who defeated a bad demon named Mahishasur. He wanted to fight against the gods, but Durga stopped him. So, this festival is about cheering for Durga’s victory.

Each day, people remember a different form of Durga and pray to her. In the end, on the tenth day, there’s a big celebration called Vijay Dashmi.

In the northern part of India, some people choose not to eat certain foods for seven to eight days during Navratri.

They finish this special practice on the eighth or ninth day. But in West Bengal, there’s a lot of singing, dancing, and eating yummy sweets and snacks. People set up big tents called Pandals and have a great time there.

In the state of Gujarat, they have their own way of celebrating Navratri. People dress up in traditional clothes and dance for nine nights in a row.

They dance to songs about Goddess Durga and have a lot of fun. Sometimes, they dance all through the night because they’re so excited.

So, Durga Puja and Navratri are like a mix of a fun party and a time to show respect to a brave goddess. People in different parts of India celebrate in their own special ways.

2. Eid-Ul-Fitr

Standing as a paragon of traditional festivities, this festival is extraordinary.

One very important festival in India that’s not to be missed is Eid-ul-Fitr. It’s a special celebration for the Muslim community.

Imagine, every year, Muslims fast for 30 days during a holy month called Ramadan. And when these 30 days are over, they celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr.

Eid-ul-Fitr is like a big party that lasts for three days. After the fasting, everyone gets to wear new clothes and pray together.

It’s a time for friends and family to visit each other and give presents. Yummy sweet noodles called “Sewaiyyan” are cooked and shared with everyone.

Here’s something cool: the younger members of the family get special gifts from the older ones, which is a nice tradition. Plus, they also help the less fortunate by giving them things like money, food, and clothes.

So, Eid-ul-Fitr is all about celebrating, sharing, and being kind.

1. Diwali

Widely recognized for its splendid celebrations, this festival showcases India's rich heritage.

Diwali is a really special festival in India that is celebrated by Hindu, Sikh, and Jain communities. It usually happens in October or November.

Imagine it like a big party filled with lights. People light up their homes to welcome a goddess named Laxmi, who brings good fortune.

Before Diwali, it’s like a big cleaning day. People tidy up their houses, paint them, and fix things to make everything look nice.

On the actual Diwali day, houses become super colorful with lots of oil lamps and candles. They even make beautiful designs on the ground called Rangolis to greet Goddess Laxmi.

People wear new and fancy clothes and give each other presents. Diwali is also important because it’s like a happy homecoming.

Long ago, a brave hero named Lord Rama returned to his kingdom with his wife Sita and his brother Lakshman after being away for a long time. They had faced lots of challenges and fought a bad guy named Ravana.

During Diwali, there are fireworks that light up the sky, making it really exciting. And guess what? Lots of yummy food is cooked for this festival, including tasty Indian dishes and sweet treats.

Families and friends visit each other, exchange gifts and delicious sweets, and have a great time together. It’s like a big celebration of happiness and light.

In India, festivals embody the tapestry of its cultural diversity and traditions. From the vibrant lights of Diwali to the lively dances of Navratri, these celebrations unite communities in shared moments of joy.

Each festival, steeped in history and spirituality, paints a vivid picture of the nation’s soul.

Whether it’s the colorful revelry of Holi or the spiritual reverence of Eid-ul-Fitr, India’s festivals showcase humanity’s capacity for celebration, connection, and renewal.

As these age-old traditions continue to inspire and captivate both locals and global observers, they remind us of the power of unity through culture and shared happiness.

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